The designs for the Sisson Street lot community green space are moving along – take a look at the latest drawings! They incorporate the results of our neighborhood survey and community design meetings over the last year. You’ll see green space for sports activities, a natural playspace for children, community garden plots, a stage for performances, picnic tables, and plenty of space for events. Please share your feedback below!
You can see the full report with multiple drawings/perspectives at…
Thank you to the Neighborhood Design Center and hord.coplan.macht for their assistance with the community design meetings and drawings.
As always, the lot is open for community events. Please e-mail if you have an event you’d like to host there!
To get involved in making this vision a reality, please join our volunteer group! Inbox me for more details or attend the upcoming GRIA meeting on Wednesday, November 18 at 7 pm at Kromer Hall. Our next volunteer day at the lot is Sunday, December 6 (10 am – 1 pm) – stay tuned for details!