Board Members Present: Michele Baskin (Secretary), Corey Jennings (President), Chris Billak, Matt Williams, Sam Solomon
Staff member – Jennifer McKenzie, Amanda Rothschild
Total Attendees
~ 17, ~ 5 on Zoom, Councilmembers Ramos and Jones
Start: 7:10 pm
End: 8:05 pm
Zoom – Recording Passcode: W^+KFT0a
Votes: NA
Community Announcements
- Food Pantry at CGA every Wednesday 9 am, no requirements or restrictions. Volunteers needed Tues and Wed mornings to help organize food organization and distribution.
- Greater Goods Market this Sunday November 24th at R House
- Shop Small Remington Crawl Dec 7th – going to feature a group of neighborhood carolers! Starting at CGA at 1pm and going around the neighborhood
- BPD Update – Officer McBride (NCO) from Northern District
- Fatality incident on 2600 block of Hampden
- Isolated incident, no threat to community at all
- Councilmember Odette Ramos Update
- Transition to new Council President and new Council members
- Mayor sworn in Dec 3rd at Morgan State at noon, will be a party in the evening
- New Council sworn in Dec 5th 10 am at War Memorial, meet first time that day at 4 pm, voting on new rules, etc.
- Thank you for voting against Question H which is a big statement as a community
- Mary Pat Clark funeral this Saturday, such a force in the city and the neighborhood
- Second term: focus on vacant properties, work to strengthen laws to protect LGBTQIA and immigrant residents, addressing 28th/29th corridor across adjoining neighborhoods
- Speed bumps on 26th and 27th to come by the end of the week
- Councilmember elect Jermaine Jones Update
- Thank you for voting against Question H which is a big statement as a community
- Live in Oliver, labor union rep and community organizer as a vocation
- Priorities: Wants people to see that the city is working for them, focus on constituent services and accountability, connecting neighborhoods and communities together to tackle larger issues, economic development
- GRIA Land Use Committee
- Application for 2024-27 term is open! Due Nov 24th
- GRIA Board of Directors will review applications
- New process ensures that there is a clear way to join the committee in the future over time
- Shade Sail Project for 30th St Park
- Agreement with Parks and Recs is signed and approved by Board of Estimates
- Contractor is ready to install
- Meeting with the Friends of Wyman Park Dell on how they handle care and maintenance of their sail
- The Lower Remington park is on Parks and Recs radar as needing full replacement because of its deteriorating condition
- JHU Off-Campus Living Coordinator- jhuoffcampus on instagram
- Robbie Horwitz (, Office: 410.516.7961) – works with students already off-campus (Junior/Senior, Grad students)
- Give lots of time for calls for volunteer events but will promote!
- Helps students navigate life off campus, how to be responsible tenants and engage with the surrounding communities
- Does a monthly Community Events calendar that we can get events on
- Urban Trees Update
- Last 3 days have seen 33 trees planted that required no concrete removal
- Concrete removal will start next week or the week after across all 3 neighborhoods
- Other adjoining neighborhoods are now starting to do inventories of trees to look at grant opportunities
- Cleanup Updates
- Combo Cleanup and Dumpster Day combo! Saturday December 21st 10:00 am
- Dumpster is at 30th and Huntingdon
- Call for Volunteers to help distribute flyers each month!