Thursday, October 25, 2012
Prepare for Hurricane Sandy
Sweep and bag trash and leaves. Keep storm drains open.
Director Alfred H. Foxx today reminded citizens to stay alert to the possible heavy winds and rain which may accompany hurricane Sandy on Sunday night and Monday. Trash and loose debris should be secured at all times. Loose material can end up entering and clogging storm drains, leading to flooding.
At this time of year leaves can also become a source of storm inlet blockage. Please make every attempt to rake, mulch and bag your leaves before the storm. Sweeping leaves and trash from sidewalks, alleys and gutters will keep this material out of the drains. Check your storm drains now. Sweep and bag leaves or trash you may find at storm drain inlets along your curb or in your alley. If the drain appears to be blocked, please call 311 now so DPW crews can address.
Be aware of possible rising water along streams and in low-lying areas. Blocked storm drains may increase the potential for flooding at these locations. Please follow the storm’s progress in the local media. Be especially mindful that power outages can lead to water pumping interruptions, so always have bottled water on hand. For more information on how to prepare for bad weather, visit the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management’s website at www.baltimorecity.gov. |
Kurt Kocher