Saturday, September 24
Please join GRIA for a community-wide clean up! Contact us if you can help lead or want to join a volunteer project (e-mail or call (443) 620-GRIA to sign up)!
9-11 am, dumpster at Huntingdon and 26th
- Bring your bulk items for disposal.
- Call Bill at (443) 799-7446 for assistance with pickup (call between 8-9 am)
- Volunteers needed: join the pick up crew to load bulk items from neighbors’ houses, or help at the dumpster to unload items that neighbors are dropping off – 4 volunteers needed
12-4 pm – Johns Hopkins University President’s Day of Service
- We’ll be hosting student volunteers to assist with neighborhood projects!
- Projects may include: litter pick up around the neighborhood, weeding and mulching tree wells around the neighborhood, projects at the Sisson St. Lot.
- 10-40 neighborhood volunteers needed to lead or join projects!
- Let GRIA know if you have any projects you’d like to see done in the neighborhood that day and we’ll work to set you up with a crew of volunteers and materials.